Sunday 11 March, 2012

yoga vs exercise

Hi guys,
Its been a long time since I blogged. Was busy in some animation project. So forgive my ignorance towards my audience!
From so many days, I have started to notice that lot of people are depending on yoga for weight reduction. Even youngsters or the people of age less than 40 years choose yoga n pranayama for their weight reduction goals which are more than 10 kg. I mean how pointless it is for them to go for yoga to reduce weight around 10kg. They even dont seek experts' advice.

Even the youth wants to choose easier way for reducing weight! They dont want to sweat out, they dont want any struggle, hard work, they dont want to feel the pain of exercise! They want a shortcut for weight reduction.

I have seen many young obese people who daily come to park. But they dont wanna walk, jog or run. They sit in a corner and some kind of pranayama illogically without even knowing whether they are doing it right? or is that variety of pranayama helpful for weight reduction? They just do it mechanically for some 10 minute then go back. In such practices how could one expect weight reduction? I have seen people who come to park daily from last 1 n half year n do pranayamas. Instead of reducing weight, they have gained weight since last year.

I mean they dont know how much calories pranayama can burn and is pranayama only sufficeint? And also, believe it or not,  for some people doing yoga and pranayamas and taking ayurvedic, naturopathy and homeopathy medicines is matter of status symbol! 

My point is even I agree ayurveda n yoga are effective and they are also scientific. But we have to realize that they used work wonders in ancient times and not today. Because the food habits, environmental conditions and psychology of ancient time were drastically different than we have today! The people of ancient time were very sensitive. So a small amount of change in physiology by yoga could have cured the disease. But contrastingly today people have become highly insensitive, ex: mentality of people who live in metropolitan cities.

So for god sake  never expect yoga to work for high weight reduction goals in today's world. Better go and seek some experts' advice.

This is my unbiased view.

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