Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Common Reasons for Treatment Failure

In clinical practice, a patient may or may not accurately report back to their healthcare workers whether the treatment has been successful or unsuccessful, because of possible embarrassment, fear of being chastised or for seeming to be ungrateful for their doctor's care. This is called as poor Compliance.

Below are the top reasons for poor compliance:
1. Forgetfulness
2. Prescription not collected or dispensed
3. Purpose of treatment not clear
4. Perceived lack of effect
5. Real or perceived side-effects
6. Instructions for administering not clear
7. Physical difficulty in complying ( Eg. opening medicine containers, handling small tablets or swallowing difficulties, travel to place of treatment)
8. Unattractive formulation(E.g. unpleasant taste)
9. Complicated regimen

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