Thursday 22 September, 2011

Homeopathy - Things you should know - I

Hi guys before starting I would like to make clear that I am not in any anti-homeopathy campaign. Points mentioned in this post are informative purpose only. So that homeopathy patients should have the right to know and should have the information about what they are taking as medicines. I just want to spread the awareness that homeopathy, naturopathy, accupuncture, siddha and unani medical systems are just alternative medical systems. So the patients should not rely completely on them or these medicinal systems can never replace conventional allopathic treatments. So be careful about the advices of your homeopathic doctors, when they stop you from conducting lab tests or surgeries or vaccines, which could your life saver.

Things you should know about Homeopathy:
1. Homeopathy(also spelled homoeopathy or homœopathy) is a form of alternative medicine in which practitioners treat patients using highly diluted preparations that are believed to cause healthy people to exhibit symptoms that are similar to those exhibited by the patient. The collective weight of scientific evidence has found homeopathy to be no more effective than a placebo.

2. A placebo is a sham or simulated medical intervention. Sometimes patients given a placebo treatment will have a perceived or actual improvement in a medical condition, a phenomenon commonly called the placebo effect. Common placebos are inert tablets, sham surgery, and other procedures based on false information. In one common placebo procedure, however, a patient is given an inert pill, told that it may improve his/her condition, but not told that it is in fact inert. Such an intervention may cause the patient to believe the treatment will change his/her condition; and this belief may produce a subjective perception of a therapeutic effect, causing the patient to feel their condition has improved — or an actual improvement in their condition. This phenomenon is known as the placebo effect.

3. In the context of homeopathy, the term remedy is used to refer to a substance which has been prepared with a particular procedure and intended for patient use; it is not to be confused with the generally accepted use of the word, which means "a medicine or therapy that cures disease or relieves pain".

4. While some individual studies have positive results, systematic reviews of published trials fail to demonstrate efficacy.[12][13][14][15][16] Furthermore, higher quality trials tend to report results that are less positive,[14][17] and most positive studies have not been replicated or show methodological problems that prevent them from being considered unambiguous evidence of homeopathy's efficacy.[2][5][18][19]

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