Thursday 22 September, 2011

Homeopathy - Things you should know - II

5. Depending on the dilution, homeopathic remedies may not contain any pharmacologically active molecules,[20] and for such remedies to have pharmacological effect would violate fundamental principles of science.[6][21] Modern homeopaths have proposed that water has a memory that allows homeopathic preparations to work without any of the original substance; however, there are no verified observations nor scientifically plausible physical mechanisms for such a phenomenon.[21][22] The lack of convincing scientific evidence to support homeopathy's efficacy[23] and its use of remedies lacking active ingredients have caused homeopathy to be described as pseudoscience, quackery,[24][25][26][27][28] .

6. Oral homeopathic remedies are safe at high dilutions recommended by Hahnemann, since they likely contain no molecules of the original substance, but they may not be safe at lower dilutions.[30] If injected, homeopathic remedies may carry a risk of infection if they have not been prepared in a wholly sterile clinical environment.[31] Homeopathy has been criticized for putting patients at risk due to advice against conventional medicine such as vaccinations,[32] anti-malarial drugs,[33] and antibiotics.

7. Hahnemann advocated 30C dilutions for most purposes (that is, dilution by a factor of 1060).[63] In Hahnemann's time it was reasonable to assume that remedies could be diluted indefinitely, as the concept of the atom or molecule as the smallest possible unit of a chemical substance was just beginning to be recognized. The greatest dilution that is reasonably likely to contain even one molecule of the original substance is 12C.

8. An example given by a critic of homeopathy states that a 12C solution is equivalent to a "pinch of salt in both the North and South Atlantic Oceans",[71][72] which is approximately correct.[73] One third of a drop of some original substance diluted into all the water on earth would produce a remedy with a concentration of about 13C.[74][70][75] A popular homeopathic treatment for the flu is a 200C dilution of duck liver, marketed under the name Oscillococcinum. As there are only about 1080 atoms in the entire observable universe, a dilution of one molecule in the observable universe would be about 40C. Oscillococcinum would thus require 10320 more universes to simply have one molecule in the final substance.[76] The high dilutions characteristically used are often considered to be the most controversial and implausible aspect of homeopathy.[77]

So as you can see the principles of Homeopathy have started to feel like unrealistic. And Homeopathy claims that more dilute the remedy, more potent it is. How it is possible in chemistry??? More info in the next post. Bye. Take care.

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